June 13, Texas Panhandle - I catch the early stages of a storm that would eventually go tornadic, although time limitations kept me from chasing it several more hours until it did so. Still, I got pics and video of the intense upward motion in the developing storm's updraft.
June 12, Texas Panhandle - I intercept three supercells, seeing a half-dozen gustnadoes and a surging wet RFD in the first, great structure and broad cloud-base rotation in the second, and a spectacular lightning-illuminated wall cloud and inflow tail in the third. Includes video and numerous pictures.
June 8, Eastern New Mexico - After a readjustment from a failed target, I intercept a severe storm in Curry and Quay Counties, NM. Includes a number of pictures.
June 6, Southern Colorado and Northern New Mexico - I intercept an intense and photogenic storm near Walsenburg, CO, then inadvertently make another intercept in Rowe, NM after dark on the way back to Santa Fe. Includes numerous pictures and a youtube video featuring both storms.
May 26-28, Northern New Mexico - Strong storms develop over northern New Mexico three days in a row. Reports and pictures from each day can be found here
May 13, Southwest Illinois - After a long frustrating chase the previous day, I get a pretty storm with some rotation within 50 miles of home. Includes pictures.
May 12, near Marshall, MO - I get on a strong, persistent, and isolated storm, but see little of interest, as the storm seemed to be just a little too far into the cool air on the north side of a warm front. Includes pictures.
May 3, Southwest Illinois Supercell - I observe an intense and photogenic high-precipitation supercell, as it passes just north of the St. Louis metropolitan area, producing up to 2-inch hail and wind damage. After the storm crossed into Bond County, I was also treated to at least one funnel cloud, and maybe more. Includes pictures and a radar loop.
April 30, I-70 in MO and Nighttime St. Louis Area Supercell - A potentially interesting daytime severe weather setup fizzles in east central Missouri, but after the chase a night-time supercell generates some excitement. Includes pictures and radar velocity images.
April 23, Jonesburg to Hawk Point, MO - I see at least two tornadoes and a spectacular wall cloud with multiple funnels rotating around one another, as a supercell roots in a warm front. Includes photos, high-definition videos, and radar images.
April 7, Illinois - I observe some good storm structure as I follow a nice little storm 50 miles, from Worden, IL to Coalton, IL. Eventually, the storm gets absorbed into a line of storms ahead of a strong cold front. Includes photos.
April 5, Missouri and Illinois - A frustrating bust, as I see but do not chase the only storm that produced a daytime tornado in the United States on this day, instead opting for what appeared to be a better target in northern Missouri.
April 4, Macoupin County, IL - As a long-track tornadic supercell moves from Kansas to Illinois, I get video of anvil crawler lightning from my backyard, then head out on a rare (for me) night chase to get a closer look at the storm in Macoupin County. Includes photos and Youtube videos of the storm.
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This page last updated July 22, 2010.